Hi ! I need to look at a replacement for my workplace Asset (Lab equip) and Ticketing system,<br>with the need for multi-site/locations (e.g. teamA get emails/tickets for locationA )<br><br>I remember meeting Jesse Vincent (author of RT, Request Tracker) many years back at a bblisa meeting,<br>
Then, I wanted to try RT! but I didnt need it then. Still looks very much alive.... is still a free download..<br>and/or you can buy support. I'm still deciding what to install to demo for myself.....staring at<br><a href="http://bestpractical.com/rt/requirements.html">http://bestpractical.com/rt/requirements.html</a> (OK, linux,mySQL,apache, I know I'm rusty<br>
when I find new? buzzwords in the requirement for Web server:<br> Apache, Lighttpd, nginx, or any other server which supports
FastCGI<br><br><br>I have barely started my research...... QUESTION: I'd love to hear your own experiences<br> with your own ticketing systems and their locations + equipment <br> (assets == racks+kids....clusters/nodes/etc ) <br>
as a starting point for ticketing and "finding stuff" (e.,g. who/what OWNs VMs/ip's too).<br><br>I can do w/o (adding) network/wiring info, but I remember wanting that in the past ! TIA, -doug<br>