[BBLISA] Project management software

stephen g. wadlow sgw at wadlow.net
Tue Dec 17 16:12:37 EST 2013

At last meeting, Cathleen listed a number of her current favorite project management tools.   The ones that I caught were:
leankit kanban

I think there were a few that she mentioned that I didn't capture.

Unfortunately for me, all of these are web-based tools, which will not work for at least my situation.

What projects/products do people currently like for conventional project management?   OSX-friendly tools are what I'm looking for, but given the level of interest at the meeting, I'm sure people would love to hear about any good tools that do the job.   Bonus points in my case if the project/product can read Microsoft Project files.

So what are people out there using?   What do people like?   (These may not be the same.  :) )


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