[BBLISA] July BBLISA - Ruby: More Batteries, Fewer Brackets

John P. Rouillard rouilj at cs.umb.edu
Mon Jun 20 14:02:07 EDT 2011

Hello all:

There were the days when a sysadmin's toolbox consisted of C and
section 1 of the Unix user's manual. However now the toolbox includes
others lanaguages such as Perl and Python and our C is buried at the
bottom of the toolbox. So is it time for another tool in the toolbox?

Tools like Chef and Puppet are geared towards the sysadmin community.
They are written in (and configure with, in the case of Chef)
Ruby. July is a good time to get familiar with Ruby as it's also
July's birthstone 8=).

Our next BBLISA talk will be:

Title:     Ruby: More Batteries, Fewer Brackets

Presenter: Aaron D. Ball - Broad Institute, Research Computing Group
           Senior Systems Analyst

Date:      Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Room:      MIT E-51, Room 145

Ruby may be most familiar as the language behind the Rails web
framework, and Perl as the "Swiss Army chainsaw" that no sysadmin can
live without, but they have a lot more in common than you might
think. Ruby comes out of the box with a great set of sysadmin tools,
from text processing to Unix system interfaces to TCP servers, and has
a syntax about as terse as Perl but with object-oriented and
functional-programming idioms that make your code easier to write and
understand. Whether you're new to scripting or you've been typing line
noise since 1987, this talk will show you another way.

I hope to see you there.

				-- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.

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