[BBLISA] simpler alternative to Nagios

Ian Stokes-Rees ijstokes at crystal.harvard.edu
Fri Aug 27 23:32:07 EDT 2010

On 8/27/10 7:28 PM, Adam Moskowitz wrote:
> Alex Aminoff wrote:
>> Nagios . . . The configuration files are not easily hand-editable.
> Really? Except for the "define foo {" and matching "}", it's straight-
> forward key-value. Yes, you can make them more complicated, but I was
> able to do quite a bit with plain key-value.

I have to support the position that creating Nagios configs is not as
simple as it should/could be.  TTBOMK it hasn't changed since 2002 when
I first encountered it, and the tools to work with configs don't exist
(or at least aren't well known).

I consider it remarkable that Nagios hasn't improved on some of these
components.  I made some contributions 8 years ago when I got into it
heavily, but given how widely used it is, why doesn't the community work
to improve it, rather than start from scratch with new tools which
really are addressing the interface issues, rather than the underlying
functionality (which, IMHO, is very good).

All that said, to whoever the original poster was, I'd knuckle down and
learn the Nagios config language and/or write some bash/perl/python
scripts to manage your config files.


Ian Stokes-Rees, PhD                       W: http://abitibi.sbgrid.org
ijstokes at hkl.hms.harvard.edu               T: +1.617.432.5608 x75
NEBioGrid, Harvard Medical School          C: +1.617.331.5993

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