[BBLISA] PXE Boot Ubuntu Live CD

John Stoffel john at stoffel.org
Thu Jan 1 21:14:23 EST 2009

Anthony> I need to setup PXE booting on two systems I have. One system
Anthony> has a hard drive and needs run Ubuntu Linux 8.04LTS. It then
Anthony> needs to serve both a 32- and 64-bit Live CD image to the
Anthony> other system. Can anyone help?

It's not really all that hard.  You need to have a tftp server running
on the server host, and you need to have the proper stanzas in there
mapping the MAC addresses of the clients to the correct boot string
and kernal image.

I've got some scripts at work I use to setup clients for a kickstart
setup, which should be mostly the right thing to do here.  Or just
google for 'PXE kickstart setup' and see what you find.  I don';t have
my work bookmarks handy now, and I'm going to sleep early.

Quick question, will the server host the /usr and other filesystems on
the clients via NFS, or will the clients be running out of a local RAM
disk holding their images?  Makes a difference.

You might try googling 'PXE boot Ubuntu live', the first hit looks
like it has good info.

Feel free to write me if you want more details.


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