[BBLISA] August meeting recap and looking forward to September and beyond

John P. Rouillard rouilj at cs.umb.edu
Sun Aug 16 16:21:52 EDT 2009

Hi all:

I would like to thank the 5 people who made it to the BBLISA talk last
Wednesday. The feedback I got was valuable and I will use it if I do
the talk again.

For September I have a less conceptual and more concrete talk
planned. At LISA 2009 in Baltimore, I am teaching a class on using

  Simple Event Correlator for Log Analysis

I am using something called a TiddlyWiki (www.tiddlywiki.org) to act as

   * presentation tool
   * class textbook
   * student notebook

Since using the TiddlyWiki is new for me, I wanted to do a dry run so
to speak before the class. I will be presenting selected parts of that
class (it's a full day class) at the September BBLISA. The first 30
people to RSVP will get a copy of the TiddlyWiki to use during the
presentation and to guide your log analysis efforts.

October-December are still unscheduled. I have contacted a couple of
people, but if any of you:

  1 would like to present some ongoing work
  2 know somebody who has some interesting work to present
  3 would like to coordinate a panel discussion on a topic
     (e.g. how do we manage the privacy and availability risk of
           outsourcing services (email, documents ...) to Google?)
  4 would like to coordinate a panel presentation
     (e.g. the top 10 "tools" in a sysadmin's toolbox)
  5 would like to coordinate a workshop/bof to solve a particular
      problem you are interested in.

please email me or the bblisa admin list.

I have an idea for a "30 minute tools" presentation where a few of us
present tools that can be used in 30 minutes after download.  Does
anybody have any tools they would like to nominate/present? I am
planning on 5-10 minutes per tool, so you don't have to prepare an
entire 60-90 minute presentation. Sysadmin, personal productivity,
documentation and other tools are all welcome.

Thanks for reading this far and I hope to see you at the next BBLISA.

				-- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.

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