[BBLISA] Live Sync / Backup / Sync without crawling

John Orthoefer jco at direwolf.com
Mon Nov 3 12:50:31 EST 2008

Now that depends on your filesystem choice doesn't it?

If your filesystem stores directory entries in something other than an  
unsorted list, yes it should be faster.   This is why some  
applications (Mail and Usenet News are the two that come to mind) have  
a system to hash all the files into smaller bins/directories.

When I first saw this message, my answer was use rsync with --from- 
file... but alast I was too busy to craft an answer that said that.

But if your filesystem still keeps you directories in something that  
is unhashed, then you might as well just let rsync do it's job, you  
are only saving a stat call at that point, but rsync will walk the  
directories in directory order (as I recall), so it could be faster if  
you have a huge directory.


On Nov 3, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Rudie, Tony wrote:

> Rsync should be fine.  And searching for a specific entry in a  
> directory should be way faster than looking at every entry to see if  
> it needs copying.  Right?

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