[BBLISA] Live Sync / Backup / Sync without crawling

Tom Metro tmetro+bblisa at vl.com
Sun Nov 2 12:13:04 EST 2008

Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
> Hey, anybody know of any program, which can sync or mirror a
> directory, without the need to scan the directory?

Nope, but it sounds like a good idea.

> But with inotify etc, it's possible to have already
> created a list of what's changed, and simply mirror the changes
> rather than doing the whole tree crawl.

inotify will tell you which files have changed, but it won't tell you 
what blocks of those files have changed - no? I don't remember.

It's been a while since I looked at inotify, but the package for Linux 
comes with a command line tool that sends notification messages to 
STDOUT so you can use it in a script. A fairly simple script that parses 
out the file name and then calls cp or rsync on it ought to do it. For a 
bit more sophistication, add some code to delay processing by a few 
minutes and batch the operations, so you don't end up repeatedly 
mirroring the same file after every little write.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/

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