[BBLISA] crontab - corrected version

Steve Revilak steve at srevilak.net
Wed Jan 23 22:35:03 EST 2008

> From: Scott Ehrlich 
> Subject: [BBLISA] crontab - corrected version

> So I want to see if there is a way to restrict crontab from running an 
> executable or anything else from a world-writable directory, or subdirectory 
> thereof.

This is actually a pretty hard problem.  Suppose you had a crontab
entry like this

   # distributed crontab.  There's always some oddball job that has to
   # run on a single, specific machine
   # Assume mail-if-not-empty is like /bin/mail, but sends no mail
   # if there's no output
   1 0 * * * operator hostname | grep -q "server1" && ( /path/to/some-job 2>&1 | mail-if-not-empty -s "`hostname` some-job error" sysadmin at example.com )

There are five different command executions (and that's not even
getting into what /path/to/some-job does).  Maybe your crontab entries
are simpler than that, but in order to cover the bases completely, I
think you'd have to patch SHELL.  At least a couple of OS's will just
take that whole line and pass it to "sh -c".

You could take another approach - a cron job that removes the 002 bit
from any directory that shouldn't have it :)


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