[BBLISA] storevault / netapp

Jon Young jon at network-plumbers.com
Tue Feb 26 11:43:35 EST 2008

> > and pre-sales support has been horrendous at best.  The storevault 
> > seems capable of a great deal more than advertised by 
> ssh'ing in and 
> > configuring things in ontap like any other netapp.
> An interesting point you bring up.  I want to bind the thing 
> to my LDAP directory for UID/GID information.  There are 
> instructions online how to do it for regular netapp.  But if 
> you go to command line on the storevault it says "command 
> line not supported, use the gui."  And in the GUI, my only 
> option is NIS.
> Any wisdom on that subject?
I no longer have access to my storevaults (former employer) but I don't
recall having any problems ssh'ing or telnetting in (I don't remember
which) but perhaps there was a switch I flicked in the GUI early on to
enable ssh'ing.  I do remember getting a warning like you describe but
the command line interface worked just fine - just had a warning at
login that you should only use it at the direction of support or some
such thing.  At that employer we actually had a couple of netapps as
well but we used the storevault for very fast and reliable scratch space
for a grid; using a full netapp for that application was just an
expensive waste.
Like any other netapp, I'd also mount /etc as root to on another box to
fiddle with the config.

Hope that helps,

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