[BBLISA] RAM for cluster net boot?

Edward Ned Harvey bblisa2 at nedharvey.com
Fri Feb 8 08:35:19 EST 2008

> Are the user's writing their own code to run on the cluster?  If so,
> then I'd probably just run a basic job scheduler like Rocks or LSF
> (non-free) or sun grid or one of the other ones out there and have a

Yup.  The basic advantages/disadvantages of each are:

LSF is a commercial product.  They're in bed with various companies, such as
cadence, so LSF is able to integrate to the GUI, so an engineer just works
as normal, clicks the "run" button, and has no idea and no care which
machine actually performs the work.

SGE is free, but has less integration to specific engineering tool guis.  If
you're running something like synopsys, which does not integrate to LSF in
the gui, then the only way you're going to get any scheduling is to run it
from the command line.  For this purpose, SGE is as good as any.

FWIW, there are some tools out there which integrate SGE to the gui.

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