[BBLISA] MIT room for Binary Freedom

Daniel Clark dclark at pobox.com
Mon May 7 16:44:33 EDT 2007

Hi all, I'm doing some work with Binary Freedom -
http://binaryfreedom.info - a free software advocacy group. The MIT
student who usually manages to get us a room can't do it this week or
next month, and although we seem to know tons of MIT people, none of
them seem to be the variety that are allowed to get us rooms (or have
no time to babysit us due to finals).

So I was hoping that someone on the list could help us out, or point
me to the person who gets BBLISA the MIT room.

Daniel Clark # http://planyp.us/djbclark/profile
# http://dclark.us # http://opensysadmin.com

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