[BBLISA] Enterprise user account naming standards?

Michelle Vadeboncoeur mrv at kluge.net
Thu Feb 16 20:34:39 EST 2006

On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, John Stoffel wrote:

JS>Ideally you want to try and get away from the silly
JS>"first_last at corp.com" external email naming conventions, since they
JS>just don't scale.  Lucent did a nice job with this by just using
JS>handles for everything.

and if you're a user at such a company, it can be a real pain trying to 
give your email address to someone (both in person and especially over the 
phone) if you have a name anything like mine!  
(mrvadeboncoeur at corning.com wasn't fun!  try typing that every morning to 
log in!)  What irked me more was that some managers could pick an email 
handle, but lowly workers like me were stuck with the full name 
convention...  (typically if someone had to send me email, I'd have them 
send it to my boss (nice short (6char) easy to spell name), and she'd 
forward it to me, and I'd reply to the person that way...

Just a user's perspective on the rote policy thing of full names, and the 
inequities of letting some people get to pick their usernames while others 

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