Bob Keyes bob at sinister.com
Mon Apr 18 18:12:29 EDT 2005

I've been working with Linux since 1992, but have no wallpaper to prove
skill. Right now, I have the rare occurance of both enough money and time
to work on getting some sort of certification (as well as continuing work
towards my degree at Harvard Extention in the fall). The past five years
have seen me move from Slackware to Debian, but I am starting to believe
that I need to gain more Red Hat and/or SuSE experience to further develop
my career. From what I can see, Red Hat is more firmly entrenched in the
U.S., but with Novell's great Linux Push, I expect to see more SuSE in the
corporate environment. The fact that they're now headquartered on route
128 as opposed to being tarheels also helps ;)  -- But I am still not
decided, or whether I should just say to hell with all that and go for my

- Has anyone here done BOTH courses? If so, what are the differences?

- Which is more valuable in the job market? Both locally, nationally, and
internationally? (I may be getting dual citizenship, allowing me to work
in the U.E., soon)

- The LPI tests seem, from what little detail I can find, to be quite
easy. I wish I'd had this in my mind, and know of the $25 tests, and
actually decided on attending the Linux World when in was in Boston in
February. How about the SuSE-specific tests, how are they?

 - and more...just tell me what its like.

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