[BBLISA-jobs] Client in Westboro...

Meredith Dimola mdimola at winterwyman.com
Thu Jun 7 11:59:49 EDT 2007

I have a job where our client is looking for someone to configure a cisco ASA 5510 firewall- they want someone to come in tomorrow and then Monday and Tuesday...let me know!




Meredith DiMola

Staffing Manager

Winter, Wyman Technology Contracting

phone - 781.530.3139

Fax - 781.464.3639

mdimola at winterwyman.com


1,325 contract placements/965 direct hires in 2006

Winter, Wyman was recently named one of the "Best Places to Work" for the second consecutive year.  Read more at www.winterwyman.com.

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