[BBLISA-jobs] Full-time MySQL/PostreSQL Database Administator Position

Lewman, Andrew andrew at techtarget.com
Mon Mar 21 17:16:04 EST 2005

TechTarget is looking for a full-time MySQL/PostgreSQL database administrator.  Oracle experience is a plus.  Attached is the role description in plain-text format.  

No recruiters need contact me.  

If there are any questions regarding this position, please email me direct.  

Details on working at TechTarget can be found here: http://www.techtarget.com/html/job_opps.htm

Thank you.

Andrew Lewman
Director of IT Operations, Product Systems
117 Kendrick St, Suite 800
Needham, MA 02494
P: 781-657-1311
F: 781-657-1100
E: andrew at techtarget.com pgp/gpg keyid 31B0974B
W: http://www.techtarget.com

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