[BBLISA-announce] Announcement on "NSF CPS Week 2015 Student Travel Awards"

Prasant Misra prasant.misra at rbccps.org
Sun Feb 15 07:20:23 EST 2015

​*NSF CPS Week 2015 Student Travel Support Grants, Seattle, WA, USA, April
13-16, 2015*


The CPS Week 2015 has secured limited number funds for *student travel
support* through the generous support of the National Science Foundation.
It is anticipated that the each travel support grant will be *$1,500.00*.
Travel support will be in the form of fixed stipend to help cover expenses
such as conference registration, hotel/accommodations, transportation and
airfare, and meals.  Grantees are expected to leverage additional funds
from their home institutions to cover remaining costs. CPS Week organizers
will provide invitation letters to support grantees in seeking additional
funds if needed.

The NSF Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) program seeks to support research that
deeply integrates computing (cyber) and engineered (physical) components to
enable smart technologies, systems, and infrastructures for the future. CPS
researchers make advances in critical domains such as energy,
transportation, and medical.  The *NSF CPS Week 2015 Student Travel
Support* opportunity
aims to engage diverse student participation and develop a vibrant research
community in the above CPS domains and beyond.

We encourage applications from students who are interested in pursuing
research in CPS domains as well as human interaction with CPS.  Priority
will be given to those who have no other funding resource to attend the CPS
Week 2015. Graduate students who are pursuing their degrees under the
recent NSF CRII or NSF CAREER awardees are also encouraged to apply.

*How to Apply?*

To be considered for this opportunity, *please fill out the form below and
email* to Andrew Clark at:  *ACLARK at WPI.EDU <ACLARK at WPI.EDU>*

*Questions* about this opportunity can be sent to *Professor Radha
Poovendran* via email at rp3 at uw.edu

*Important Deadlines:*

Applications Due via e-mail: *February 28th 2015*

Date of Decision: *March 2nd 2015*

*Early registration March 10th 2015*

Application form:

(E-mail to Andrew Clark ACLARK at WPI.EDU <abc at uw.edu> by February 28th, 2015)

Name (First, Last):      ________________________________________

Email:                          ________________________________________

Home institution:        ________________________________________

Lab/Advisor (if applicable): ___________________________________

Year of Study: ________; US Citizen or permanent resident:  ___ yes, ___ no

*Please describe your research or research interests, and how they are
related to or advance CPS* (500 words max):

Please describe how attending CPS Week will advance your educational and
career goals (300 words max):




Dr. Prasant Misra, Senior MTS | *Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical
Systems, *Indian Institute of Science (IISc)  Bangalore, 560 012,
INDIA  | +91-80-2293
3430 Ext: 110 | https://sites.google.com/site/prasantmisra |
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